Monday, June 7, 2010

Woolly Pocket Living Walls

A while ago, I posted about Woolly Pocket Living Walls as living art. We saw them at Flora Grubb recently and even my parents were really impressed with how the pockets work, particularly with entirely recycled materials.

Woolly Pocket is competing in Pepsi's Refresh Everything contest to win a $250,000 grant to provide school gardens to 250 schools across the States and has asked that you spare them some browser time (I mean, you're here - you can't be that busy at work/with finals/with UE).

Learn more about Woolly's school gardens here, then vote daily for them here!


Unknown said...

Thanks for your support!!

Woolly Yours,

aurora (at) woollypocket dot com

Aurora said...

Hi, thanks for posting about us! We thought these Woolly Pocket videos might interest you!

Woolly Yours,

aurora at woollypocket dot com