Cleanlining in the 1930s sought a stripped-down look reflecting Depression austerity. It trended toward "a finish of white, the most sanitary color1” for psychological appeal. - Apple, anyone?
And then there are different types of white. Warm v cool: White is warm and inviting when with a touch of yellow or pink. Cooler with bit of blue.
This is a neighboring house. What do you think? At first, because the finish almost seems transparent and matte, the white looks unintentional and the facade looks unfinished. But I love it.
In Ornament and Crime, architect Adolf Loos equates the progression of culture with the elimination of ornamentation. His argument for modernism does not suggest that modernists have denied style, but that man has become sophisticated enough as to not have sensual associations with ornamentation. A lack of decoration not only decreases the price and manpower spent on an object, but also increases the intellectual power and highlights some other art. In this sense, the matte white finish of this home's facade serves to highlight the skill of woodworking; the old, ornate Victorian is a home for Loos's modern man because it sophisticated enough seek elimination of ornamentation.
I like that the entryway is natural, dark wood set up by black stairs. Says what's important.
Mural wallpaper in a white space with darker recesses. Weird that this is a bathroom. I wish the room was ten times larger, the bookcases floor to ceiling, and the mural of course much more expansive. This would make a much better living room/library than bathroom. The chair demonstrates.

Think another reason why people default to decorating w white is bc symmetry is not necessary at all. But if you are the sort who can maintain a "sanitary," white home, then you must be mildly ocd/like symmetry.
1 Meikle, Jeffrey L. Twentieth-Century Limited, “Cleanlining.” (1979)
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