Sunday, January 18, 2009

Decorator in Chief

The Obamas have chosen LA interior designer Michael Smith to redecorate the White House. As First Decorator, he has 18,000 square feet of historical floorboards to revamp. Uhhgg how cool!!

Smith says that "the family's casual style, their interest in featuring 20th century American artists and utilizing affordable brands and products will serve as our guiding principles."

Watch this video of Michael Smith's Bel Air home for a glimpse of his style.
All about Michael Smith here.

Also, Domino blogger Nick Olsen does a First Lady Decorating Smackdown. SO GOOD!

The Red Room, Jackie O

Nancy Reagan's office
Took advantage of high ceilings with framed botanical prints to ceiling. Only thing is, don't you think this is too much celadon, too much creme?

Jackie O's dressing room

Does anyone know - what is the budget?!

Images from Domino, AD.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The budget is 100 g's, but the O's are allowed to also receive "gifts" from the private sector. People are hoping that the other O, the Oprah, ponies up some money. I also heard that the Obama's are bringing a lot of their own art and that the "Decorator in Chief" will be purchasing lots of accessories from reasonably priced stores, e.g. pottery barn, blah blah.